Hi loves! Its been quite a while and we would like to give you loves an update on whats been going on. First of all we went on holiday the first week of October so we knew we were going to have to leave a few posts scheduled. We really wanted to stay on our three posts a week schedule so we set that up. During our holidays we like to stay off our phones and disconnect in order to have that tranquil feeling of actual relaxation. However we cheated just a tad and checked Exquisite Glow on Wednesday during our weeks holiday and found that Mondays post never went up nor Wednesday's post! So we had a momentary Nene Leaks moment and figured what the heck we will deal with this when we get back.
When we got back to Exquisite Glow Headquarters (aka my upstairs room) we came back to no INTERNET. We contacted our service providers tech support and got no where fast. So we scheduled for someone to come out and have a look.
If that was not enough our iPhone 6+ pre-order somehow goofed up our current phone service. Since then our phones have been freezing, lacking Internet service, and not updating. We were able to send a tweet here 'n there and like a few pictures on our Instagram account but that's bout it.
Thankfully we were able to sort things out with our providers and things are working again properly. So we should be back on our normal schedule this week. As to the posts that were scheduled previously we will still share them with you so don't worry. We are so happy that we are back and rolling.
On a side note, we have been obsessed with the Real Housewives of Atlanta, hence Nene Leaks.
She has the most hilarious facial expressions and we can't get enough. The show is so entertaining and we are pumped for the upcoming season. We know we know its not exactly mind enhancing TV but we all want a little bit of drama in our lives so why not get that fix via TV entertainment? Who else shares our little guilty pleasure? Tell us what shows your loving in the comments below.
To end this post we want to share a few more of our Nene Leaks GIFs, enjoy.
For more Nene Leaks GIFs click here.
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