Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Bloggers Tag

1) Why did you start blogging?
I started blogging because my interest in beauty was reborn about two years ago, I had heard of You Tube but I only knew it as a site online where kids went to look up funny videos. It wasn't until my sister showed me a beauty video when I realized You Tube was much more. I was hooked watching videos of product recommendations and beauty tutorials. I started buying more makeup and realized I too would love to have a place where I could talk/write about my growing Love and Obsession with it all. I wanted a place where I could share my finds and thoughts and god willing make some friends. So I thought of creating a channel for Exquisite Glow but at the end decided that I would start Exquisite Glow with a blog and in the future possibly make some videos. =)

2) Who’s your idol?
An idol is a person or thing that is greatly admired, loved, or revered. With that said and clear I have a few people that I would like to mention. The first person I want to mention is my baby sister Carmen, she is such a self motivated and dedicated individual it blows my mind. It blows my mind because at only age sixteen, she has a plan of where she wants her life to go and works hard to make good grades to get her there. I love that she has her priorities straight and I feel like more young girls should be more focused on what matters so that their future as an adult is successful. I as an adult wish that I was more focused at her age. She is sweet and caring towards her family and friends and has a comic personality. I love and admire her, I can't imagine life without her. 

Many might not like who I'm about to mention next but hey I see passed the tabloids and gossip because at the end of the day she is just another girl. I admire Kimberly Kardashian West. I admire her courage to stay in the public eye regardless of the negativity that's thrown at her. I have gone on to read articles about her and her family and I can't believe how much HATE Comments are posted. I mean its unbelievable. Yes there are many lovely comments as well but the mean ones are just so evil. We talk about Cyber Bullying and how bad it is, but what makes it OK to bully a celebrity? She is human too and I'm sure that at the beginning of her fame many comments were hurtful, by now she's used to it I'm sure. She has learned to deal and ignore all the negative people and I applaud her for that. So yes I admire her for Loving her self and not caring for what haters say about her. Do I agree with everything she does? No but that's just it, she does it not me, so you do you boo boo I admire your confidence.

Lastly I have to mention Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge (Kate Middleton). I am in love with her style and poise. Not only does her style intrigue me but the whole fairy tale ending that just keeps on going has me captivated. Not only do I admire her sense of style but Catherine is also a big supporter of many charities that help with a large range of causes. I love that she supports and is involved with charity work and using her high profile to bring awareness to many important topics. 

3) If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
If I could live anywhere in the world I would have to say London, UK would be my first choice. assuming that I'd won the lottery of course . I got the opportunity to visit London during their Olympic Preparations and I fell in love with the city and culture there. The city is so old and full of history. I was surprised at how in awe I was with it all, given that history was not my strong suit in high school. In fact it was my worst subject. While there I enjoyed visiting the museums, cathedrals and historical sites all around town. I know that life as a tourist is not the same as actually living there but I imagine living there and working part time at a museum as a curator or working at a historical site learning everyday.

4) What’s your signature scent?
I own a few perfumes in my collection but I would have to say that the one that I wear the most and have repurchased several times must be my signature scent. That would have to be Glo by JLo. This perfume has been in my collection since I was seventeen. I love it because it is not an all day overwhelming scent. It lingers on my skin and clothing softly but noticeable by others and my self. The notes found in this scent are Orange flower, Grapefruit, Rose, Sandalwood, Soft Amber, Jasmine, Vanilla and Musk. It is described as a fresh clean scent while expressing sexy. 

5) What’s your favourite makeup brand?
My favorite drugstore makeup brand I would have to say is Revlon. I have purchased many of their products and have really liked most of them and best of all it is bank account friendly. I feel like they do a great job with their foundations, lipsticks, and some of their eye shadows. There have only been a few products that I was not impressed with however others might like those products. It all come back to personal taste and skin types (dry, normal, oily). I am not going to go into detail about the products because it would turn into a huge brand review.
For high end makeup I really can't choose because I can't say I have tried out most items of one particular brand although I've tried several of MAC's products but I can't say that it's a favorite. MAC was my first high end makeup purchase and I like their products but at this point in time I don't look forward to shopping sprees there. You know what I mean? 

6) Would you choose high street or high end fashion?
Really I buy what I like if I can afford it. Whether it be high street or high end. 
7) What’s your favourite song?
Really I listen to the radio every morning on my way to work. As to favorite song, I don't have a favorite but when ever This is how we do by Katy Perry comes on the radio it instantly puts me in singing mode. Also I love the beat for that Iggy Azalea Featuring Rita Ora song Black Widow
8) What’s your favourite album?
Currently I have two albums in my car and that's Red by Taylor Swift and BeyoncĂ© by BeyoncĂ© Knowles, so I consider these my favorites of the moment. 

9) Facebook, Twitter or Instagram?
I love Instagram. I check it every morning first thing and I have been using Twitter much more now that I have Exquisite Glow. On twitter love using the #bbloggers to find new blogs to read and people to interact with, it has been awesome.

10) Which celebrity styles inspire you?
As I mentioned previously in question two, I really love Catherine's style. I've actually found a website that sells clothing much like what she wears but is quite expensive. Usually I check Forever 21's LOVE 21 CONTEMPORARY line for pieces that resemble her style. 

11) What’s your best holiday?
This one is actually a hard one for me to pick.  All of my Favorite holidays are actually coming up, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. However I have to pick Christmas. I know everyone is probably saying Christmas but what I like about it is that everyone is mostly in a good mood during the Christmas season and I wish it was like that year round. Decorating my house is always fun to do with my love, sending and receiving Christmas cards gives me a great feeling, getting together with family to share an amazing meal and giving gifts is super fun. So yes definitely Christmas.

I want to thank Mo from Everything Mo blog for tagging me to do this tag. It took me a few days to get it up but I am happy to participate. Click on her link to see her answers to her questions and also make sure to check out her You Tube channel she has a great video there on Makeup for Grey-Blue Eyes. 
Now its my turn to tag a few people to answer the questions.
I tag...
Kayla Blogs
Isabella from Love & WARdrobe
Sophie-Laura from Beauty High Street
Catherine from Lady Liquor
Jenny from That Northern Gal
Lauren from An Impatient Scottish Girl
Kayla from Microscope Beauty
Jina from BeautyBlogMark
Melissa from M is for Melissa
Rebekka from Rebekka Rose Beauty

I hope you girls get the chance to participate in this tag. Everyone else who would like to jump in and participate go ahead its fun. You can also if you do this tag let me know in the comments below or tag me on twitter. I would love to read your answers.

So for today this is it. Until next time take care and I hope you enjoyed this post.
